Message from the Superintendent

Message from the Superintendent

The objectives of this Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP) are multi-layered. No doubt a component of this work and effort is to be compliant with the state guidelines and requirements for Eminence R-I to be accredited and in good standing with the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Another goal was to evaluate current programs and practices with an honest assessment of strengths and weaknesses across all areas of District operations.

However, this document has accomplished so much more. The variety of community members that were involved and have ownership in the various portions and specific planning events leading from the ideas to the narrowing and refinement of specific topics and then to the final written and measurable goals that have been produced have reinforced existing partnerships and forged new relationships that will truly benefit Eminence R-I and the Eminence Community. This CSIP document will be our guiding focus on annual and even monthly District decisions for the next three to five years.

What has been produced by this CSIP process will be an active and vital document for Eminence R-I. The goals are real and measurable, and we will have accountability as we implement the action steps and analyze the results to come as we move forward. You have my word this completed binder will not just be left on a shelf for the next five years until the next CSIP cycle comes along!

CSIP Planning Process

Eminence R-I developed a new strategic plan over the course of the 2022-23 school year. To begin this process, a community forum was held December 12th to gauge how the community felt about the district’s performance. The participants broke into six groups to discuss what Eminence is doing well and what their priorities should be moving forward. The groups came back to share the priorities they discussed and created a comprehensive list of 19 indicators. Each person was given three votes to help the district prioritize the indicators moving forward. The indicators with the most votes were student achievement/reading/foundational skills, staff retention, and student success after graduation.

After the community forum, we formed the Stakeholder Committee. This is a group of 30 made up of board members, administrators, teachers, support staff, students, parents/guardians, local business partners, and non-profit organizations in the area. This group spent two days in February doing a district data-dig and really zeroing in on what Eminence’s SMART Goals should focus on. After looking through and discussing the results of the community forum, climate and culture survey results, quantitative and qualitative data, and internal and external data, they landed on three priority areas. From there came the rough draft SMART Goals.


 Continuing into March, it was time for the Strategy Committee to get together. This group of nine met for  two days. They refined and defined the three priority areas for Eminence R-I and finalized the SMART Goals the district would be working on for the next 5 years. Their work continued to identify strategies and action steps for each goal. Their work and effort over those two days are what helped create the CSIP goals that follow.


Dr. Eric Allen

Superintendent, Eminence R-1